Legal Intake Services & Solutions | Legal Brand Marketing

Legal Intake

A business woman considering several plans.

Digital Marketing Trends in 2024

Digital Marketing Trends in 2024 What are the digital marketing trends in 2024 and beyond? Becoming a successful attorney is no longer exclusively about practicing law. The legal industry is inexorably tied to the world of digital marketing and its ever-shifting trends. To gain an advantage over your competitors, it’s important to embrace this evolution […]

5 Commandments for Law Firm Intake

5 Commandments for Law Firm Intake

5 Commandments for Law Firm Intake Many law firms are blowing it on client intake. A recent “secret shopper” survey of law firms across the country found that more than 40% of law firms never responded to a website inquiry. However, out of the ones who did, 59% responded within 30 minutes.  Clearly, when it […]

Marketing Automation for lawyers

What is Marketing Automation for Lawyers?

What is Marketing Automation for Lawyers?   What is the most common question marketing companies hear from law firms? Lawyers want to know how to increase lead volume. While more leads are important, what they often overlook is what they do with those leads. The way a firm responds to leads and handles their intake […]

How Self-Driving Cars are Affecting Liability

How Self-Driving Cars are Affecting Liability

How Self-Driving Cars are Affecting Liability The first question asked after any car accident, other than “are you okay?” is typically about fault. Who is to blame for the accident? And of course, who (or whose insurance) will pay for the damages? And how does this apply to self-driving cars  and are they affecting liability? […]

law firm management

5 Tips for Law Firm Intake

5 Tips for Law Firm Intake Many law firms are blowing it on client intake. A recent “secret shopper” survey of law firms across the country found that more than 40% of law firms never responded to a website inquiry. However, out of the ones who did, 59% responded within 30 minutes.  Clearly, when it […]

tips to stay current legal consumer trends

3 Tips to Stay Current with Legal Consumer Trends

3 Tips to Stay Current with Legal Consumer Trends When it comes to legal consumers, their behavior, expectations, and habits are continuously evolving. Consumers have shifted from picking up the phone and calling a law office for legal advice to searching the internet for information and guidance regarding their legal matter. Where word of mouth […]

improve client intake

4 Tips to Improve Your Client Intake Process

4 Tips to Improve Your Client Intake Process While you may already have an established procedure for prospective clients, it is beneficial to revisit your intake process to see if any steps need to be reworked or eliminated, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Below are 4 tips to help improve your intake process to turn […]